Friday, September 12, 2008

Mountain of the Creator

Mountain of the Creator

This land is so incredibly diverse and saturated with natural and man-made wonders.
I feel blessed to have experienced many of them even if for a short time. Most places that I liked I would go back to again at the drop of a dime, no question. Wouldn't you?

Colorado Sand Dunes

View of Sedona AZ

Mt Blanca CO from my old property

Everglades FL

Gila Cliff Dwellings NM

Boulder Falls CO

There are countless(literally) places that I never took a picture of but hold in my memory for a day that I may return and once again find the lost hollow, the cave in the mountain, the platform on three trees.

Hope the weekend is going well for everyone!:)

1 comment:

  1. You are giving me the CO fever again! :) I love the first picture of you. That's pretty cool, along with the fact you have AMAZING eyes!


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